Experimental simulation of daemonic work extraction in open quantum batteries on a digital quantum computer
S.N. Elyasi, M.A.C. Rossi, M.G. Genoni
arXiv:2410.16567 [quant-ph]
The possibility of extracting more work from a physical system thanks to the information obtained from measurements has been a topic of fundamental interest in the context of thermodynamics since the formulation of the Maxwell’s demon thought experiment. We here consider this problem from the perspective of an open quantum battery interacting with an environment that can be continuously measured. By modeling it via a continuously monitored collisional model, we show how to implement the corresponding dynamics as a quantum circuit, including the final conditional feedback unitary evolution that allows to enhance the amount of work extracted. By exploiting the flexibility of IBM quantum computers and by properly modelling the corresponding quantum circuit, we experimentally simulate the work extraction protocol showing how the obtained experimental values of the daemonic extracted work are close to their theoretical upper bound quantified by the so-called daemonic ergotropy. We also demonstrate how by properly modelling the noise affecting the quantum circuit, one can improve the work extraction protocol by optimizing the corresponding extraction unitary feedback operation.
peer-reviewed journals
Analysis of spin-squeezing generation in cavity-coupled atomic ensembles with continuous measurements
A. Caprotti, M. Barbiero, M.G. Tarallo, M.G. Genoni, G. Bertaina
Quantum Science and Technology 9, 035032 (2024).
We analyze the generation of spin-squeezed states via coupling of three-level atoms to an optical cavity and continuous quantum measurement of the transmitted cavity field in order to monitor the evolution of the atomic ensemble. Using analytical treatment and microscopic simulations of the dynamics, we show that one can achieve significant spin squeezing, favorably scaling with the number of atoms N. However, contrary to some previous literature, we clarify that it is not possible to obtain Heisenberg scaling without the continuous feedback that is proposed in optimal approaches. In fact, in the adiabatic cavity removal approximation and large N limit, we find the scaling behavior N^(-2/3) for spin squeezing and N^(-1/3) for the corresponding protocol duration. These results can be obtained only by considering the curvature of the Bloch sphere, since linearizing the collective spin operators tangentially to its equator yields inaccurate predictions. With full simulations, we characterize how spin-squeezing generation depends on the system parameters and departs from the bad cavity regime, by gradually mixing with cavity-filling dynamics until metrological advantage is lost. Finally, we discuss the relevance of this spin-squeezing protocol to state-of-the-art optical clocks.
A pedagogical introduction to continuously monitored quantum systems and measurement-based feedback
F. Albarelli, M.G. Genoni
Physics Letters A 494, 129260 (2024)
In this manuscript we present a pedagogical introduction to continuously monitored quantum systems. We start by giving a simplified derivation of the Markovian master equation in Lindblad form, in the spirit of collision models and input-output theory, which describes the unconditional dynamics of a continuously monitored system. The same formalism is then exploited to derive stochastic master equations that describe the conditional dynamics. We focus on the two most paradigmatic examples of continuous monitoring: continuous photodetection, leading to a discontinuous dynamics with “quantum jumps”, and continuous homodyne measurements, leading to a diffusive dynamics. We then present a derivation of feedback master equations that describe the dynamics (either conditional or unconditional) when the continuous measurement photocurrents are fed back to the system as a linear driving Hamiltonian, a paradigm known as linear Markovian feedback. In the second part of the manuscript we focus on continuous-variable Gaussian systems: we first present the equations for first and second moments describing the dynamics under continuous general-dyne measurements, and we then discuss in more detail the conditional and unconditional dynamics under Markovian and state-based feedback.